On-line Peer-Support Groups / Meetings

Zoom Online Peer Support Groups for Adults Experiencing Mental Distress
Online Peer Support Group Meetings

How to access online Peer Support Groups PSGs:

Zoom: in order to join Changes on-line PSGs you need to download Zoom software and register a Zoom account, (the software can be downloaded free of charge onto your smartphone, tablet or computer and registering is ease – see ‘Zoom’ section at the bottom of the page

As you can see from below, there is a separate link for each meeting which you can click on or copy and paste into your browser.

*PSG Online Peer Support Group meetings are locked 15 minutes after start time, so please access next available meeting if you have not joined by then.

7.00pm Mondays*
Ladies Only

PSG Meeting


Meeting ID: 82869927803

*Excluding Bank Holidays

1.00pm Wednesdays Mixed

PSG Meeting


Meeting ID: 89366689104

1pm Saturdays Mixed

PSG Meeting


Meeting ID: 676734054